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Mechanical Design and Drafting

Intergraph/EMS Render PreView (I/RENDER)

Intergraph Corporation

The Intergraph/EMS Render PreView is a rendering and visualization toolfor the EMS family of products. I/RENDER uses the Phong lighting modeland includes the capability to assign a variety of rendering attributesdirectly to elements in an EMS design file. The rendering attributeswhich are supported include: diffuse color, diffuse reflectivity specularcolor, specular reflectivity, ambient reflectivity, transparency,reflectance, refraction, pattern mapping, bump mapping, fresnel, andpixel stream editing. The I/EMS Render PreView software is designed topredict the outcome of ModelView Ray Trace and Quick Trace operationsfrom within the EMS environment. A facility for submitting models toModelView for presentation quality rendering is included.

Language: C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: EMS-FD, EMS-CS, EMS-M, EMS-PP, OR I/EMS
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 2.2,2.3

Intergraph Corporation
1 Madison Industrial Pwy
Huntsville, AL 35894-0001
Phone: (205) 730-2000
Fax: (205) 730-7509